The kit includes a multi-sensor for conducting environmental experiments, as well as additional equipment for conducting experiments. The sensor is made in the form of a ladybug and is equipped with sensors on 4 topics: Light, Sound, Electricity, Temperature.
Connects to computer via USB cable.
What will the child learn
Children develop cognitive activity, curiosity, research interest.
Experiments with sensors do not involve the child in the digital space, but contribute to the study of the real world around.
More than 100 tasks, over 40 hours of interactive lessons. An endless amount of experiments with the sensor indoors and outdoors!
With the help of a digital multimedia laboratory, you can create unique research projects for competitions and olympiads.
Options for working with the laboratory
Groups, subgroups, individual lessons.
For the best educational effect, we recommend using 1 sensor for two children.
The more trays with play educational equipment, the more children can play at the same time.
Methodological support
The gameplay is divided into tasks, each of which includes measurements using a sensor. Detailed methodological instructions for conducting classes on four topics: Temperature, Sound, Electricity, Light.
Special technical knowledge of the teacher is not required.
Scenarios of classes with the laboratory can be scheduled by the teacher for any number of teaching hours — from 4 months to 1 year.