Designated use
This digital laboratory aims to support research activity of high school students as well as project-based activity within and outside of school curriculum.
The laboratory is supplied with the range of assignments and corresponding equipment customized to the requests of the end user/educational establishment and specifics of its study program.
Additional and spare equipment, chemical glassware and chemicals can be supplied to accommodate such needs. Quantity of equipment supplied with the lab can be reduced in case if the end user already has a sufficient amount of such additional equipment.
Laboratory assignments for 10-11 grades. Level: specialty field
Mixed liquids separation
- Distillation
Organic fuel
- Efficiency coefficient of a burner
- Quantitative analysis
- Colorimetry
- Conductometry
- potentiometric measurements
- Conductance titration
- Redoxometric titration
- Ph-metric titration
- Hygrostats
- Melting temperature for crystallohydrate
- Compostiion of crystallohydrate
- Faraday’s law
- Energy efficiency of electrolysis
Heat of reaction
- Quantifying heat effect of neutralization reaction
Reduction—oxidation reactions (redox)
- Determining strength of oxidizers
- Measuring redox potential of a solution
- Strength of oxidizers as a function of ph
Chemical reaction rate
- Kinetic curve and chemical reaction rate
- Reaction rate as a function of temperature
- Reaction rate as a function of concentration of reactive chemicals
- Rate of heterogeneous chemical reaction as a function of reactive surface area
- Rate of heterogeneous chemical reaction as function of chemicals’ nature
Chemical balance
- Defining dissociation constant of a weak acid
- Ionic product for water
- Buffer solution
- Stabilization of fluoride concentration
- Detecting hydrolyzing salts