Designated use
This digital laboratory covers experiments included in main school program of 7 to 9 grades and basic program of 10 to 11 grades.
It is fully compliable with new national educational standards requirements on studying science and science research supported by modern measurement devices.
Equipment suite
Includes equipment for 32 assignments four of which to be performed simultaneously
Software for this laboratory is freely available and is regularly updated. It provides templates for the tables, charts and formulas for fitting the charts for each assignments and experiment.
This program enables data download from the sensors to computer, compiling electronic reports on the experiments supplied with initial data, photo of experimental installation and video records of experiments, templates of intermediate and final tables, graphs and text comments.
The following items are also included:
- Manual included with this lab contain instructions for beginner users and three scenarios for learning the program interface
- Video records with instruction on conducting experiments
- Both regional specialists and our staff regularly deliver webinars and seminars on using this laboratory.
Samples of experiments
Digital sensor of positioning working on principles of magnetically controlled contacts
This sensor is intended for recording positioning of a body with attached magnet. It also provides for recording time of traversing of up to four points on the body’s trajectory.
This sensor has fast response time and can be attached securely to mechanical bench (guide bar).
Sample experiment: measuring instantaneous speed and acceleration
Two pairs of sensors are set at both ends of mechanical bench (guide bar). They allow for measuring time of body’s passing between sensors of first and second pairs to obtain instantaneous body’s speed. Simultaneous measuring of time interval between body’s passing between first and second pairs of sensors allows to calculate the body’s acceleration.
Digital temperature sensor (-20°С..+110°С)
This sensor is intended for measuring temperatures of gaseous and liquid chemically inert substances. Its sensitive element is mounted at the end of a probe made of stainless steel mated to sensor’s housing. The senor can be calibrated individually and has the following features:
- High spatial resolution for making detailed heat image
- Fast response time
Sample experiment: characteristics of evaporation
The experiment is based on comparison of temperatures of air, water and vapor in a closed calorimeter, water in an open vessel and a water drop at the beak of the sensor.
Digital sensor of absolute pressure
This sensor is intended for measuring absolute pressure of dry air or chemically inert gas. It has an inlet plug for connecting with the experimental installation. Its has the following features:
- High sensitivity
- Fast response time
- Effective measurement range can be adjusted through a connected computer
- It can be conveniently mounted on steel or magnetic surface
Sample experiment: isothermal process
Table showing (pressure, volume) pairs is built for eight different volumes of air in a syringe. This table is used to draw a chart showing the errors of measurement. At the end the equation of a hyperbola is derived based on the results of the experiment.
Two-channel oscillographic voltage sensor
This fast response sensor can register up to two voltage measurements on any elements of electric circuit through galvanic separated channels.
Measurement ranges and parameters of operation can be adjusted through a computer.
Sample experiment: electromagnetic induction
A metal coil «flies» along an empty tube with a permanent magnet inside. Emf of induction (inductance voltage) is registered by oscillographic voltage sensor. This experiment shows relations
- Between response amplitude and duration of registered signal and speed of magnet
- Direction of current and relative positioning of the coil and magnet poles