Designated use
Digital laboratory for ecology studies (field version) provides means for practice in instrumental ecology monitoring with assistance of a notebook/netbook (not included ).
This set is used in studies of ecology, biology, chemistry, geography and environmental studies. It can be used for individual research and project activity of school students.
The laboratory set can be used in the temperature range from 10 to 35 c and humidity of up to 80% (at 25 c).
Design and functions
Digital laboratory for ecology studies (field version) includes a set of sensors used for taking measurements of ecological parameters of water and aerial environment (e.g., muddiness/concentration of suspended materials, optical density of solutions, concentration of heavy metals, acoustic pollution.)
- Digital sensor of nitrate ions includes electronic unit, ion-selective electrode for no3- and dedicated electrode for measurement comparison
- Digital sensor of chloride ions includes electronic unit, ion-selective electrode for cl- and dedicated electrode for measurement comparison
- Digital sensor of water-absorbed oxygen includes a cover with spare membrane, a flask with a solution for filling in the sensor, a flask for storage of sensitive solution
Digital sensors are compatible with a computer usb port.
The set is fit in a special backpack style enclosure for convenience of outdoor measurements.
Safety requirements
While working with digital laboratory for ecology studies (field version) the following safety measures must be strictly observed at all times:
- General safety rules set for classrooms designated for studying corresponding subject matters must be adhered to at all times
- Students are admitted to work with the laboratory only after familiarizing with its design and functions as well as these safety requirements
- Taking temperature measurements of the solutions heated above 60 c is strictly prohibited
- Excessive tightening of the fixation screw of the optical density sensor may cause deformation of the solution tray and is strictly prohibited
- Avoid water contamination of the sensors and notebook
- Do not open casings of the equipment items and do not subject them to pressure and shock loads